_________________________________________________________________________ IR Template: form_v10.txt Version 1.0 of 1 June 2022 _________________________________________________________________________ Vyplneny formular odeslete e-mailem na adresu urcenou pro hlaseni incidentu jako prosty textovy soubor! Dokumenty PDF, WORD, nebo OPENOFFICE nebudou zpracovany. Pokud je to mozne vas e-mail elektronicky podepiste a odeslete v sifrovane podobe. Nase kontaktni udaje a verejny klic PGP/GPG naleznete na: https://www.jcekb.cz/csirt Send the completed form by e-mail to the address indicated for incident reporting as a plain text file! PDF, WORD or OPENOFFICE documents will not be processed. If possible, electronically sign and send your e-mail in encrypted form. Our contact details and PGP/GPG public key can be found at: https://www.jcekb.cz/csirt _________________________________________________________________________ Please provide all information! Please attach your PGP/GPG public key as a separate file. _________________________________________________________________________ 1) Zakladni kontaktni informace (Basic contact information) Jmeno (Name): _______________________________ Organizace (Organisation): _______________________________ E-mail: _______________________________ Telefon: _______________________________ 2) IP adresa a typ incidentu (IP address and incident type) IP adresa (IP adress): _______________________________ Typ incidentu (Type of incident): _______________________________ 3) Prilozene soubory (Attached files) Uvedte seznam souboru, ktere jste prilozili k tomuto hlaseni. - Hlaseni o scannovani musi obsahovat cast logu obsahujici zaznamy o utoku; - hlaseni o spamu nebo viru musi obsahovat kompletni nemodifikovanou hlavicku daneho e-mailu, ktery je povazovan za spam nebo vir; - hlaseni phishingu nebo pharmingu musi obsahovat URL a pokud mozno i zdrojovou stranku webove stranky; - vsechna hlaseni musi obsahovat casovou zonu, ke ktere jsou vsechny casove udaje. Please list the files you have attached to this report. - The scan report must include the part of the log containing the attack logs; - the spam or virus report must contain the complete unmodified header of the email in question, which is considered to be spam or a virus; - a phishing or pharming report must include the URL and, if possible, the source page of the website; - all reports must include the time zone to which all time stamps relate. Soubor 1 (File 1): _______________________________ Soubor 2 (File 2): _______________________________ Soubor 3 (File 3): _______________________________ Soubor 4 (File 4): _______________________________ Soubor 5 (File 5): _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ End of IR Template: form_v10.txt Version 1.0 of 1 June 2022 _________________________________________________________________________